In order to benefit from our University's Technical Services, our users must first open a call via Additionally, in cases requiring repair or installation, you must fill out the EK1-(Durable-Portable-Repair-Request-Form) form and send it along with your devices.
Teknik Servis Hizmetleri kapsamında aşağıda verilen işlemler yapılmaktadır:
Troubleshooting, maintenance and repair of IT products registered to university assets,
- Resolving software problems (reinstallation of the operating system, virus and malware removal, etc.),
-Providing remote or on-site support to our university staff to solve problems that negatively affect the workflow related to IT products,
- Providing technical support to our university's existing student computer laboratories and computers in classrooms,
Evaluation of computers and other IT products registered in our university's assets for asset deduction transactions and preparation of reports